Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter April 24, 2011

Happy Easter! Now before I get into Easter pictures, I have a few "catch-ups" to post, so here they are. I keep trying to remember that when I post a video, I need to let those of you who get emails know. When you get a blog through email, it's not going to let you play the video.
The following is a video of Cache trying to talk on his cell phone that the Realtor who helped us get our house gave to him. :)
Also, we got some really tasty corn at the local market and Cache decided that the cob was good enough for him! :) And the video below it is just a cute video of him getting excited about the camera.

Ok, since we don't have a lot of time before we need to leave for church on Sundays, we didn't get to make the traditional waffles and strawberries that Jared requested, but that's ok. Cache got to wear his super cute little suit that Gradma Cole (my mom) got him! He looked so sharp and grown up! I can't believe how much of a little boy he looks like now! Church was good too. The speaker only took about 15 minutes and with it being a small branch, they decided that this would be a great time to have the new people get up and officially introduce ourselves. I thought that this was funny because with so little people there, they had all already heard our stories before, but I suppose that's why you get to know everyone so well in small branches :).
As requested, this is a picture of the outside of our church building

Jared and Cache before church. Cache was sleepy

Cache has a lot of freedom in church. He just wanders around and gets into things. This time is was the pulpit.

Helping daddy with his talk. He wanted to share stories too.
What a handsome man!
After church, we all (the whole branch) were invited to the home of one of it's self-proclaimed "transient members". They have lived in South Dakota for the last 6 years taking care of family but have also purchased a home in Utah and go back and forth to be closer to their kids. The ironic thing about them is that they spent most of their lives in Bremerton, WA where he was in the Navy. Ironic to have so much in common! It was so nice of them to have us all out there and feed us Easter lunch. It really made the day stand out and seem special. They also served Raisin Pie which neither of us had ever had or even heard of before! We had a good time, got a tour of their house and got to sit and chat for a little while. After that, we came home and it was nap time! Even for Jared....

Then, it was time for Cache to get up from his nap (which was really just a rest since he slept about 45 mins in the car from Spencer, NE where those members lived. The following are pictures and videos of Cache discovering the Easter Eggs that the Easter Bunny left for him all over the living room floor. It's a good thing that he made it easy for Cache to find them! :) I can't wait until he has to go searching for them.
 First the pictures:
Presents from the Easter Bunny!

He spent a few minutes just sitting in the doorway, not really sure what to do and still in a "nap daze"

You mean there's stuff INSIDE the eggs? lol

first time he's had M&M's and Pez!

And this is what happens when you try to crawl through your stash of candy. It disperses!

Eventually he made it to the other side of the room. :)

Anyway, here are a few videos. Keep in mind that he just got up from his "nap" so he's a little slow to get started. :)

And one last picture, I just thought it was cute :)
Wake up daddy! Time for Easter Egg hunt!
Well, that's the last of the pictures and videos for now. I hope you all enjoy your families and friends this weekend!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Rolling Along

Well, it's official, and the papers are signed. THE HOUSE IS OURS! After much greif, lots of phone calls and emails and some headaches, we can officially call the house ours. Hopefuly the money will stop flowing out like a severed artery now...

I have my first job interview at the hospital here in Tyndall this next week and I'm a little nervous. Being that this is a small town and the total beds in the hospital equal the number I had on just my surgical/pediatrics floor at Davis Hospital, I have these visions of being there all alone with just a CNA. And knowing that this is the hospital that all the inmates from the state prison go to makes me a little leary as well. And as Sheila, one of my friends, put it once, I'm not sure I'm ready to be the "Queen Bee" lol. We will see how the interview goes though. It would be nice to be able to walk to work if I needed too. Especially in the winter when the roads get really bad with snow.

Living in a small rural community and attending a small church or "twig" as the members lovingly call it, has opened my eyes to the strength that those in the mission field must have. Having just come from Utah where everything is so available and so close together, you forget what it's like to live somewhere that the church is not the majority. I only lived there for 5 years and I am realizing how much I had taken it for granted. For those who have lived there all of their lives, they probably don't realize what they have. It makes a person wonder, "Would I have the strength and faith to live in such a place and still remain faithful." It only took one Sunday at this branch to appreciate the strength of it's Saints. It is quite amazing the spirit that I can feel in that little building with only 10 people in it. Some might think that the more Saints in one area, the more you will feel the spirit (since you are surrounded by it all the time). However, I would  argue that it's not the number but the quality. You can just feel the love that these members have for the gospel and for the curch and each other. Where they lack in numbers, the spirit makes up the rest. I got the opportunity to listen the the conversion story of one of the sisters who has been with the branch since it was even a branch. She tells a wonderful tale of holding services with just her, her husband (who has now passed), the missionaries and a friend in an old "shell of a building" on the Lake Andes Dump property that didn't have water, windows or places to sit. So for their first service they have a plank of wood on two cans with a coat for a table to bless the sacrament. Thankfully, the Elders were able to provide bottled water and bread. :) It is so interesting to hear about their trials growing in the gospel as Native Americans.

Ok, now that the Sunday speach is over, I have a few pictures to share with you.

Cache is just one step away from walking!!!

He loves the camera!

I'm constantly finding him trying to climb into or on top of things :)

Trying to help daddy on the computer.

 If you thought you only had to watch out for girls when it comes to your credit cards you were wrong! :)

Well that's all the news from this part of the world. We are days away from home and hours away from friends. But at least we have each other and a home to live in. I'm thankful everyday for the little things and life and sometimes the big things too :)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Just had to share!

So Cache and I were sitting on the floor playing with toys and watching 3rd Rock from the Sun this morning when I got distracted with my cell phone for a minute. When I looked up, this is what I saw:
I am constantly reminded of the amazing reality of being a mom. I love to watch him learn, to see him explore and figure things out. I just love to see the smile on his face when he discovers something new and hear the jabbers he speaks as if he's trying to explain it. He's growing up so fast and I have to remind myself sometimes when he's throwing a fit or making a fuss to cherish this time because it will not last forever. And as if this isn't Ironic enough, here is a quote from the show I am watching right now, "Parental love, at it's best and if done right, is the only love that will lead to separation." Which while true, will be sad when we have to face that day. But for now, we will cherish every smile, giggle, squeal and fit. :)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Exploring the Neighborhood part 2

So today we ventured out to Yankton to get our driver's licenses. Let me just say that these new regulations required for obtaining a driver's license are rediculous. Needless to say, after TWO trips to the DMV (yes, the first time we didn't have enough documentation even after much preparation!) we are now official South Dakotites :) Or at least that's how I would call it. :) Cache did really well waiting at the DMV. He was crawling around and checking things out. He even stole someone's cell phone at one point! Silly Cache :)
Waiting at the DMV

Tuckered out on the way home
 And then when we got home we went for a walk in search of the park. It was a great walk and it turns out the park is literally just down the block the opposite way from main street! It was a great walk.
Getting ready for our walk!

Entering the park

Apparently this pond is for kids fishing only

Disc Golf! Who knew!

And the pool is part of the park!!

Little kids part!

Jared was happy to see a couple of excavators :)

Kiddie play area at the pool!

Sweet swings!

Eiffel tower replica at the court house. (we can see the other side from our front yard)

court house

And the street back to our house
 And this concludes our tour for now! :)