Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Cache's 1 Year Check Up

I took Cache into see the pediatrician for his one year check up. The clinic is in Yankton, which is a half an hour drive, but it's not really that bad and when it's nice out, there are lots of farm feilds and green to see. I do like going there because that's where Walmart is and it's something to do that gets us out of the house...and out of the town.

We got there and its set up kind of reminded me of McKay Dee where there's one long hall and each specialty had it's own "wing". We walked to the back where pediatrics was and there were two tables and plastic kiddie chairs for kids to play with. There was also a fish tank and some toys and books, but they weren't what Cache was interested in. While I was filling out paperwork, Cache was playing with the table and chairs. At one point he had knocked one of the chairs on it's side and was pushing it around. When I looked up again he was headed for behind the reception desk and was trying to follow a nurse to the back! I had to chase after him and redirect him toward the play area, which thankfully he was ok with.

Eventually we went back and he had a pretty good time just walking around and playing. At this point he was in just his diaper and was carting his white bear around with him and just jabbering away. The nurse came in and took his measurements and talked with him. Well, the appointment went well, the doctor was really nice and we like him. He was recommended by someone that I met and I'm glad we went with him! He even gave us some tips on how to battle the bugs! So many bugs...Oh, and he got three shots, chicken pox, MMR, and Hib.

Well, here's where Cache is at with a comparison from his 9 month checkup:
Weight: 9 mos: 19 lbs 5 oz (33%), 1 year: 21 lbs (50%)
Height: 9 mos: 26.25 in (56%), 30 1/2 in (75%)

He wouldn't let go of the tongue depressor after he got his shots :)

Cache's Tazmanian Devil bandaid. He had one on each leg.
And here is a video of Cache sweeping the floors and walking. He's really been into copying what I do lately, so he thinks that sweeping is pretty cool. Try to ignore the hack job of a haircut that I gave him...:) Reminder: you have to go to the actual website to view the video...

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Cache's first birthday party!

We had a little birthday party for Cache with a few of our friends. There was only one other kid that was able to come, but it was still fun. We had burgers, brats, watermelon, chips, homemade salsa, soda and of course cupcakes! He sure was a show off too! He got up and ran around with his walking toy and walked back and forth in the middle for a long time watching people to make sure he was getting all of the attention. Our friend's Jill and Major brought their little man Tyler (6 months old) and he played with him and watched him for a while. He even picked up a toy that Tyler dropped and gave it back to him! It was so cute! He did it a couple more times, but started to get confused as to why Tyler wasn't giving it back. He did love opening his presents though! He still hasn't quite figured out how to do it on his own, but it was the end result that mattered. :) Overall it was fun! Enjoy the pictures!
Singing Happy Birthday! He was more interested in the flames....

He wanted to try putting it out with his hands!

"Mom! What is that?!"

He tried to give it back to me!

Eventually he got into it...though I think Jared ate more of it than he actually did

Dad's old cell phone makes the perfect cupcake mashing tool! And sprinkles to top it off!

The best way to eat cupcake...off a phone-fork! (Carol and Jason in the background)

"What?" It got in his hair at this point
Then it was time for presents! After much cleaning...
Sunglasses from Jill, Major and Tyler along with some swim diapers for the pool!

Card from Carol and Jason

Story Time book from Carol and Jason

Fridge magnet toy from Jordon, Liana and Ethan! He loves that it makes car sounds

A neat book to put pictures of our family and friends since we are so far away! Thanks Grammy Marquis!

Another look at the sunglasses...we will see if he keeps them on lol

Baby float from me and Jared so he can play in the pool!
Birthday Balloons!

Playing with his Yookidoo! He loves faucets so this is perfect!

Ball pit house from Grammy!

His pirate ship water table from GGMa and GGPa Franco!

Carrying around his new toy! Tyler is sleeping in the background in Cache's bouncy chair.

Not sleeping anymore! Cache was showing Tyler how to walk. That elephant is what Cache picked up for him when Tyler dropped it.
That was the fun birthday party that we had! It was so awesome that we could share it with some friends, though we wish we could have had some family and other friends over too!

And here are a couple of random pictures I just wanted to share!
Cache and Tytan sleeping after a short trip in the Truck to Springfield, SD to get my Durango fixed. Taycee was asleep too, but Jenna had already put her in their car.

The new play equipment at the park! This will be tons of fun when Cache is old enough. This is right next to the pool too!

Czech Days June 17, 2011

Being that the local population is somewhere around 90% Czech (and proud of it!) They have annual celebrations that allow everyone to celebrate their heritage and get together and eat Czech food! It seems like every town here has some form of festivities that they put on to spread the "Czech Love". We went to the one in Tabor this last weekend and it was fun! It's much smaller that Fall City Days, but it was something to do and there was a parade. We got there about halfway through the parade, but in enough time to see some fun things! Cache had a lot of fun sitting in the stroller and watching all the cool things roll by. There were a few unique things that you wouldn't expect to see pretty much anywhere else! However, I kept expecting to see a group of unicyclers come rolling around the corner!
Thought this was funny...notice the sign on the back. This is a "poop spreader"

Part of the Shriner's train

Watching from the shadows of the fire house! He's holding  fireworks poppers that the local fireworks seller was passing out instead of candy.

Front of the Shriners train

HUGE tractor! There was a little girl waving like a pageant queen in the window :)

Mommy and Cache

This is the Oriental Band....though no one was oriental. :) They sang funny songs

Oriental Band

Our friend Major is riding on this float in the far back
After the parade we headed to get some food, which wasn't hard to find. At the firehouse they had pork sandwhiches with BBQ sauce, water and vanilla shakes! There were also other establishments with different Czech food being served, but we liked supporting the firehouse. There were rides and bumper cars and all kinds of crafts, just like any other festival. We walked up and down a few times, but Cache was too small for the rides and it was HOT outside (80's) so we only stayed a little while. But we did run into a few people we knew so it was nice to get out and see people.
Eating lunch in the shade

This was the national anthem...followed by the Czech national anthem. Notice the outfits. It was not uncommon to see people dressed up like that just for fun!

For example...her :)
Well, it was a day of fun and I'm glad we went. Even though it was hot, it was good to get out and do something fun! They sure do take their celebrations seriously around here, especially when it comes to their heritage! I'm glad we could enjoy it. :) I kinda wish Cache could have worn some cute Czech outfit...:) Or possibly lederhosen! :)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Hot Dog Days and Rummage Sale Saturday

Apparently out here in these small towns in South Dakota, there is this occasion called "Hot Dog Days". Tyndall has one every year, along with most of the other towns around here. It's advertised on the radio, people spread the word, and it's considered the preliminary to the ultimate Czech Days which will be held next weekend in the next town over (Tabor). So, at these Hot Dog Days they close down Main Street and all the businesses grill hot dogs and hand out beer or cool aid for free! Each business tries to "out-do" the other by having the better dogs or toppings. They take their hot dogs very seriously here. There weren't ANY store bought hot dogs in sight. Everything was homemade from the butcher. Different flavors, different colors and different toppings. It was certainly the most unique celebration I have seen yet! Of course, there were bands playing, I believe there were three. ALL of them were polka bands and ALL of them had fairly old members. I'm guessing a lot of them were in their 70's. You could tell who had been raised all their lives with things like this because there were old couples sitting on the side of the road in lawn chairs just watching the festivities. They seemed to be in their element. :)
Fire Truck! I have my scrubs on because I worked that day and they picked me up and we walked down town.
Cache trying to put my sunglasses on his head

A sample of the cars at the car show section

One of the Polka bands

Cache loved the hot dogs! Mustard face!

Also, the day after Hot Dog Days is the city wide Rummage Sale here in Tyndall. Apparently they take their rummage sales very seriously too because when we went walking at 9 am there were plenty of people out with their cars trying to hit the sales early so they can get the "good stuff". I was told that most of the sellers pack up shop at noon, so we thought we'd look while we were out. We didn't find a whole lot, but Cache did get a few books and some toy tanks. But he did find something that he seems to love for only $3!