Monday, April 23, 2012

20 Weeks and Gardening!

Well as of April 22 (Sunday) I am 20 weeks! Halfway done and the count DOWN begins! It's amazing how fast this is going. I know I say that a lot, but when I think about all that was going on when I was pregnant with Cache (School, graduation planning, working part time...) I wonder how that didn't go by just as fast. But I suppose that chasing an almost 2 year old, planning for the summer and taking it day by day is quickly catching up with me. By the time we get done with all the summer's craziness it will almost be baby time! Yikes!

Here's what's up with baby (according to What to Expect When You're Expecting):
length of a banana (7 inches, 11 oz), kicking like crazy (according to me), practicing swallowing and digesting, flipping and turning, tasting flavors in amniotic fluid, able to hear what's going on outside of uterus

What's up with me: left hip giving me trouble at night when trying to sleep, hungry ALL the time, headaches off and on, feeling HUGE! (comparing to Cache's pregnancy), having a harder time bending over and increased trips to the bathroom.
20 weeks 1 day (4/23/12)
This weekend was a pretty spring day so we went out to the local Nursery and picked out some plants for around the house. When we moved in, the lady who had owned this house before was a major green thumb and had all sorts of flowers everywhere! Of course, when they all died out, we couldn't distinguish between weeds and flowers so....we started all over. Jared was wonderful and did all the physical planting while I helped with water and placement. Cache had lots of fun rearranging my placement of flowers, but at least he was having fun. :) We also got some strawberries for the garden and onions. Cache had lots of fun digging in the dirt and especially spraying the hose to water the plants. :) In fact, when we went out the next day to water the garden again, Cache got full control of the hose and smiled while watering all by himself. Jared and I were standing back watching him enjoy himself and we looked away for a split second when WHAM! Full on spray to Jared and me (though Jared got 99% of it) and a giggling little boy. I don't know where he got the idea, but he thought it was hilarious! In fact, he thought it was so funny, that he did it again while Jared was trying to get the hose back. I'm sure it didn't help that I was laughing so hard that he thought this was a funny thing to do.
Before right of stairs

Before left of stairs

Jared planting

After right of stairs

After right of stairs 2

After left of stairs

Hanging basket :)

Cache rearranging plants

Helping with the strawberries

Helping daddy water plants in the garden!
Gardening is not our strong suit yet, but we are working on it! :)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Happy Birthday and Easter

Being that Blogger's layout has changed (I'm still not sure how I feel about it), I have been having trouble locating certain tools I'm used to having, so bear with me. I'd almost rather blog on my cellphone at this point! lol

My birthday was a good one! You know those days when you just wake up and everything just seems like it's right in the world? Well, the sun was shining, Cache was having a good day, I had a doctor appointment and baby was doing fine...all around one of those genuinely good days! Jared took me to see The Hunger Games, which, after reading the books, was pretty well done, in my opinion. It had all the things to keep us both pretty entertained and it didn't stray from the book much at all. Over all, thumbs up. Jared even thought it was pretty good. :) After wards we went to one of the Mexican restaurants in Yankton for lunch. Now, this might not have been my first choice, but in Yankton, it's pretty much Chinese buffet, mexican or american buffet. Not a lot of options. Those who know me would be surprised I didn't pick Chinese, but it's not really that surprising when your pregnancy cravings for guacamole trump your love for sweet and sour pork. ;) Now, when we ordered said guacamole for an appetizer...were we every surprised!!!
 Do you see the size of that thing?! I swear they carved it out of a boulder! It had to be the size of a small popcorn bowl...FULL of guacamole. At first I said," We are never going to be able to eat all of this!" the time lunch was done there was maybe half a cup left. Yes, that's right. The baby made me do it! lol And as if that wasn't big enough....we ordered a lunch "made for two" with different types of meat and such to try....This is what we got! No fish eye lens here! Just good old camera phone.
 Yeah...we ate about half of that. It was delicious, but I seriously think it was for at least three people!
And of course, my wonderful husband ordered a delicious cake from the local bakery. The only requirements I gave him were 1. chocolate and 2. raspberry. Surprised? I didn't think so ;)
This is the beautiful cake they made!
It was soooo good! We had Major, Jill and Tyler over that night for cake and homemade ice cream (thank you pasturized egg beaters!) This picture was before Tyler saw the cake and had the opportunity to get his little fingers in it lol. It was pretty funny!

Easter was pretty low key for us, though, again, I wish we lived closer to family so we could spend holidays with them. I want Cache to know his grandparents and Aunts and Uncles....sigh. Hopefully someday. Anyway...We had pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream for breakfast and opened baskets after. Here are the pictures of our stashes from the Easter Bunny:
Cache's basket...he made out!

Jared's basket

My basket

The bunny cup from GGMa

Opening baskets after breakfast

Toy Story coloring book

Curious George movie! He's an addict!

That's all for now! Enjoy!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Times are changing!

Cache is getting so big! I can't believe he's almost two! And in a few short months he will be a big brother! Yikes! I went to the doctor today and everything looks good! Baby's heartbeat is good and I'm moving right along! I even scheduled our big 20 week ultrasound for our next visit in may! Going by fast! The doctor gave me a green light for the trip to washington too!! Woohoo!
Cache has been sleeping through the night for about two months now and he's even only getting up on his terms. After an hour and a half tantrum after nap one day (after I got him up after 2.5 hours) we decided it was time to convert his bed to a toddler bed for now. He loves being able to get in and out of it on his own. We haven't had any issues with him getting up when he's not supposed to yet too! In fact the first morning when he started making noises at 7:30 am I went in, opened the door and went back to lay down. A few minutes later I heard little footsteps, a door shut, then footsteps back to his bed lol. He wasn't ready to get up I guess! Silly boy.
Also, we got our new couch! It has been a long time coming and it's been so nice to have! Cache thinks its great too. He likes to run from end to end..might have to stop that soon lol. Anyway, enjoy the pictures!