Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Little Moments

I was reminded on Sunday while at church about keeping track of all of the funny/cute little things that I experience no matter how small they might seem. It was mentioned when sister Bradley watched as Cache enthusiastically crawled toward his bear with a huge smile on his face and then proceded to suck on his first two fingers while he twirled the ribbon attached to the bear. He has this love for ribbons, especially ones he can twirl and especially ones attached to his bears. I have a feeling he gets the twirling from me...

Anyway, while I was laying on the floor, Cache was crawling all over and around me. I turned my head and found that I was inches from his little face. When out of no-where I saw a little cave in the form of his mouth and he clamped down on my nose! Of course I started to laugh, so he thought it was pretty funny too. He let go, then smiled and went in for another bite! He continued to do this a couple of times until I just had to wipe up all the slobber that was on my face from his laughing with his mouth open. He found somthing else intersting so went off with that. I thought I was safe, but a few minutes later here comes Cache crawling up my stomach with his mouth wide open with a huge smile on his face! Needless to say it was amusing and he had fun, until he didn't anymore and then it was time for a nap! Such a good boy. :)

Oh, and the weather has been HOT here the last two days and I can't wait for the pool to open! However, there's nothing better than having your own pool :) Ah, dreams...

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