Saturday, June 18, 2011

Czech Days June 17, 2011

Being that the local population is somewhere around 90% Czech (and proud of it!) They have annual celebrations that allow everyone to celebrate their heritage and get together and eat Czech food! It seems like every town here has some form of festivities that they put on to spread the "Czech Love". We went to the one in Tabor this last weekend and it was fun! It's much smaller that Fall City Days, but it was something to do and there was a parade. We got there about halfway through the parade, but in enough time to see some fun things! Cache had a lot of fun sitting in the stroller and watching all the cool things roll by. There were a few unique things that you wouldn't expect to see pretty much anywhere else! However, I kept expecting to see a group of unicyclers come rolling around the corner!
Thought this was funny...notice the sign on the back. This is a "poop spreader"

Part of the Shriner's train

Watching from the shadows of the fire house! He's holding  fireworks poppers that the local fireworks seller was passing out instead of candy.

Front of the Shriners train

HUGE tractor! There was a little girl waving like a pageant queen in the window :)

Mommy and Cache

This is the Oriental Band....though no one was oriental. :) They sang funny songs

Oriental Band

Our friend Major is riding on this float in the far back
After the parade we headed to get some food, which wasn't hard to find. At the firehouse they had pork sandwhiches with BBQ sauce, water and vanilla shakes! There were also other establishments with different Czech food being served, but we liked supporting the firehouse. There were rides and bumper cars and all kinds of crafts, just like any other festival. We walked up and down a few times, but Cache was too small for the rides and it was HOT outside (80's) so we only stayed a little while. But we did run into a few people we knew so it was nice to get out and see people.
Eating lunch in the shade

This was the national anthem...followed by the Czech national anthem. Notice the outfits. It was not uncommon to see people dressed up like that just for fun!

For example...her :)
Well, it was a day of fun and I'm glad we went. Even though it was hot, it was good to get out and do something fun! They sure do take their celebrations seriously around here, especially when it comes to their heritage! I'm glad we could enjoy it. :) I kinda wish Cache could have worn some cute Czech outfit...:) Or possibly lederhosen! :)

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