Thursday, September 1, 2011

Boating and Camping with Jill and Major

So we had a couple of options for what to do last weekend. We ended up going camping with our friends Jill and Major! This, of course, meant that I had to clean out our trailer from when we had lived in it earlier this year while moving out here. Always needing motivation, ha ha. So, we camped near Gavins Point Dam in Yankton and Jill and Major got to try out a rental trailer to see if they liked it. It was a lot of fun and we got to enjoy the outdoors. Cache enjoyed the sticks, grass, rocks and fire pits. For entertainment, Jill and Major brought their boat and we got to spend some time out on the reservoir! The morning had started out all rainy and cloudy but as soon as we got a sunbreak we headed for the water! Lucky we did too because it turned out to be a beautiful day! The water was between 73-75 degrees and we were all a little reluctant to get wet, but once you get in, it wasn't so bad! :) Cache's vest practically swallowed him whole, but when he got used to it, he didn't seem to mind.
Jared and Cache before take off!

Woo hoo!

Jill and their son Tyler (8 months)

Tyler, Jill and Major's son, spent pretty much most of the time sleeping, which was good because he didn't seem to like the life vest all that much. I can't blame the kids since they are so tight and confining.
Jared was the first brave one to try the waters

Cache got to ride on the tube too!
 Cache's first ride on the intertube was fun! He wasn't too sure about it at first because his feet were getting wet and the vest was uncomfortable, but once we got moving he started to enjoy it! He was slapping the tube and making happy baby sounds, so I would say that he liked it.
We were way  behind the boat!

Jared made it up onto the water skis on the second try!
Toward the end, the kids were getting a little cranky and restless, but who can blame them after a few hours. Cache was ready for a nap and Tyler was probably ready for food. I did get a chance to try to water ski as well, but I kept wiping out. I almost made it up on the second try, but with how long it takes to put the skis back on and run the rope out, it was time to head for land. Especially because of the crying little people. But we did have fun!
Back at camp we got to break open Cache's new camping chair! He pretty much just sat in it long enough to get the picture because he was too interested in the fire we had going for dinner, but that's ok. :)
On Sunday we had a bit more thunderstorms and I was pretty glad that we hadn't been in tents. It was nothing more than some rain and wind, but not so much to rock the trailer around. Cache hadn't been used to sleeping in the trailer, so he had spent the night between Jared and I sleeping like a rock. Unfortunately for poor Jared his back was hurting from skiing so he didn't get much sleep. But Cache sure didn't move too much, so at least he did. When we got up and ate breakfast and were ready to head over to the other trailer we heard a little crack outside, but we just shrugged it off. As we headed over to the trailer we notice that they had half a tree on top of their trailer! Apparently the tree that was between our trailers had split a HUGE branch off and was just resting there on their roof! It was crazy! I suppose it was a good thing they had just been renting the trailer instead of it being their own. Nothing was damaged too badly and no one was hurt, it was more just a crazy thing! After that got all situated we headed for home as it would seem that we would not be boating that day.
After cleaning up up and unpacking and a nice nap for Cache we headed back over to Jill and Major's to try to figure out what to do. We had thought about taking the Jet Ski's back to the water because the weather had cleared up, but they weren't working like we had hoped so we spent the time hanging out while Jared and Major tried to get them working.
I know it's sideways, but here is Tyler and Cache playing in the pool in their driveway
 Overall it was a fun time and we enjoyed it! I wish we had had more opportunities to camp this summer, but now that Cache can walk it will be easier I hope.

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