Well, the last couple of days have been a little trying because Cache has come down with a little bug. It's sure tough when your little one is sick. It's definitely a little easier when you're the nurse with the doctor's orders and the objectivity.
Jared has the deck 99% finished! He did so well working on it mostly alone while I dealt with our sick baby. It looks great too!
We have been lucky that the weather hasn't been too bad, and the fire from the old deck burning helps to keep things warm.
The puppies are growing so fast! They have doubled in size and they are getting around a little better. I still can't tell them apart because they all look like miniature Lacey's. Some are bigger than others and there appear to be a runt or two, but they are all very cuddley and warm.
I'm not sure if it's the freedom from homework or the pressure of selling the house eventually, but it would seem that we are getting this place cleaned up! After 5 years of saying I'm going to paint our bathroom, it's finally done! It's weird how we are willing to fix things up for others, but not for ourselves. I wish we had done some of these things years ago. Oh well. Next time, we will try to do them right away. Jared has finished all that needs to be done on our side to "get the ball rolling" for the job in South Dakota. Now we just have to wait for word from them to negotiate a moving date. *sigh*
On a more positive note, I got the Kinect for Xbox! It's a lot of fun and it is really neat to control some features with just the wave of your hand. Jared kind of has this feeling that "big brother" is watching but it's still pretty awesome. :) I did have to rearrange the living room in order to get the right distance from the TV, but it's actually better in a way because it made the living room look like an actual room, not just an entryway. Ok, that's it for tonight. It's been a rough couple of days and it's time to relax!
The deck looks so nice! Hope Cache is feeling better. Did you get the dance game yet for kinect? hehe...