Sunday, March 18, 2012

Admitedly Overdue...

I must have some kind of resolution "fade-out" with blogging. When I look at this year's and last year's beginning of my blogs I seem to be all "gung-ho" and motivated, but it seems to slow down significantly after about a month or two. So, here I am, updating my blog. Things have gotten a little crazy while trying to plan summer fun this year. I'm slowly coming to the realization that the baby will be here before we know it and that I can't plan much for August because I will be HUGE! I have already grown a lot faster than I did with Cache and started hauling out the maternity clothes at about 12 weeks instead of 20 + weeks! I do have to say that I have been able to feel the baby move a few times and have been feeling "it" for about 2-3 weeks. They sure are right when they say you feel it much earlier! Of course, I was distracted with school the last time, so that could be part of it too ;)
I have been fortunate to have opportunities to listen the heartbeat or sneak a peak on ultrasound more often than the average South Dakotan...all benefits of working in the health field I suppose. :) I would take a picture of myself from today, but seeing as I don't have a big mirror where I'm at, you'll have to settle for a 14 week shot (I'm 15 weeks today...holy cow!) Sorry about the blurriness..the mirror I used in our house is almost 100 years old...
Jared has officially passed his annual training test and received a raise as well! So proud of him! We are counting down and only have 3 more years of training left! Woo hoo!

Cache is a little munchkin all his own. He's exerting more free will, throwing more tantrums (mostly when mommy doesn't put in a movie he wants to watch), and being so much more helpful around the house! He picks up his toys when asked (usually), puts his shoes and coat away after we play outside (also usually), loves to snuggle and watch Toy Story, and much much more. We are still working on the fact that he doesn't necessarily need his coat, hat and gloves when we go out the park (80 + degrees!), but at least he's being good and putting them on. He comes up with new things to say everyday and has a better sense of direction than I do. He gets mad if we are headed toward his friend Tyler's house but don't end up there. He can point in that general direction if we go the wrong way. If he's ready to leave somewhere (say one of my nurse's meetings or church) he will gather all of his things (that he can hold) and say "buh bye" loudly to everyone and drag Jared or I toward the door. This can sometimes end in tears if it isn't quite time to leave yet. lol.

Mostly we are trying to plan our summer, find cheap airfare, figure out what/how to deal with a new baby...lots going on! Here are some random pictures for you to enjoy.
Blue water from his bath fizz!

Out enjoying this crazy warm weather!

Such a big kid!

Giving mommy a pedicure!

Digging in the sand with daddy!

Jared, cache, Major and Tyler on in a picture on a billboard at work!

Swinging in the park!

Cache's new Toy Story comforter for his big boy bed!

Snuggled up watching Toy Story


Life is so tough ;)

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