It would seem that Cache is picking up new things to say all the time. Most of the time they don't come out clear, but they are usually decipherable if you hear it enough. So here are the new things that Cache says ( or ones I forgot to post last time)
Wa dddo?= What did you do?
All Done= all done
Bow= Bear (his stuffed bear)
Peas= please
Tanks or Tink tu= thanks or thank you
Woo-ee= Woody (as in Buzz and Woody from Toy Story)
Hi!= Hi
Buh bye!= buh bye
key key= blankie
key= key
Cah= car
cheese= cheese
choo-choo= train
do= two
tee= three
yay= yay
teef= teeth
ball= ball
Tyla= Tyler (has evolved from Rala)
His new favorite thing is counting to three before going down the slide or doing just about anything fun lol. It usually comes out as, " Do, do, tee! Yay!" He's getting better at please and thank you. It's certainly better than pointing and grunting, but he still does his fair share of that.
Well, I'm 16.5 weeks pregnant! How did that happen? I would post a picture but seeing as how I'm all dressed for yard work (spring came super early!) it will have wait for another day. I'm sure the previous easter egg hunt pictures gave you some clue...
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