Saturday, December 3, 2011

More projects...

It seems that it is a dangerous thing for me to be in a house where there are projects to be done. Of course the kitchen is my biggest complaint about this house and I'm in it all the time so I am constantly reminded of the flaws it has and the things that should be done if I would just DO them. So, after our weekend at the Bradley's I was resolved to finally DO something about it. See, they had torn down a wall in their kitchen when they first moved in and tore up old carpet. So after a lot of wavering on WHEN these things would be done in our house, I decided to just take a peek under the yellow laminate that was our floors at the time. I picked this nice, inconspicuous spot back in the corner in the dining room by an outlet so I could just put the laminate back down when I was done investigating. You know, make the final decision later. Well.....This is what I found...
I know! Disappointing right? I thought for sure that I had just torn up a perfectly "OK" floor to reveal a baseboard. It wasn't until I noticed that red stripe that I thought...hmm....
Whoops, can't put that back, now can I? So...needless to say, that when Jared got home, he got a little surprise of a new project that I had started. :) I was so curious to see what was under that gray linolueum tile, that I just had to keep going...luckily the yellow laminate was very well glued to the other yellow laminate from the 60's underneath it. Also, fortunate for us, the 60's laminate was NOT glued at all to the gray tile...

And underneath all that terrible tile....was....tarpaper......but underneath that was....
...Original hardwood floors! So we kept at it and it's still a work in progress...a few more pictures...
Cache helping in the kitchen

He though this one was fun as a slide :)

Dining room done! At least until we get the sander and put the finishing touches on! But that's after the evil wall comes down!

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