Well, being the impatient one that I am, I decided to try to start Cache on potty training when we were home from all our summer adventures. He has been showing signs of being ready lately, so I hoped this would be an easy task. The first couple of days were difficult and discouraging, but he seemed to pick up on it pretty quick. he got the concept and loved running to the potty when he had to go. But then, he started to try to hold it as long as he could until he would start to leak and then say "uh oh!" He seems to be trying to prolong the innevitable as long as he can. *sigh* He doesn't seem to have the desire to continue much anymore, but he's been really good as taking it in stride. I have a feeling that when the baby is born, we might have a bigger relapse, but at least he has the concept in his head and it won't be NEW when we really go for it again. In the meantime, here are some pictures of Cache man sitting on the big boy potty!
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