Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Father's Day June 2012

It was sad that Jared couldn't be around for Father's Day, but I suppose that's what you have to endure when you have a family in the military. We were able to plan a dinner for Mike and Mom for Father's Day, though and had lots of fun. There was a fun story that came out of it though. I suppose it's one that will stick with us. Cache was eating chips and salsa, and at one point started to choke and cough a little. He then grabbed my hand, brought it to his mouth, then proceeded to spit it all into my palm. When he was done emptying his mouth, he said, "There you go!" As if he had done me a great honor! Silly boy. It was quite funny and will turn into one of those stories he's told time and again as he gets older ;).
And we did get to enjoy a fun surprise for Grandpa Kenny! Before I left for Washington, Brandi and I decided it would be fun to plan a surprise for Dad since who knows when or how many Father's Day's we will get to all spend together. We got Kristi in on it and planned to surprise Dad with a trip to the Mariners Game! We had wanted to keep it a secret until we got there, but Kristi suggested that Dad might want to dress a certain way if he knew we were going to a ballgame. Of course, the look of surprise on his face was pretty priceless. It's not often we get to surprise Dad!
We met up with Anna and Brandi in Issaquah and all headed to Seattle. I have to say, that everytime I end up there (driving myself or not) I am glad that we don't have to deal with that type of traffic on a daily basis. I still miss the area and the people, but the NOT the traffic. Especially on game days.
View from our seats

Cache was having a good time :)

The family (minus Kristi who took the picture)
Ok, so there are two things a person (at least me) has to get when they go to Safeco. 1. Dip 'n Dots and 2. Garlic Fries! These are the best, most garlic-y fries you have ever seen! Piled high with salt, real garlic and herbs. Soooo delicious! Cache, of course loved them.....but he didn't really know that these fries+ rubbing the eyes because you're tired= massive pain and no fun. Unfortunately, he did figure this out first hand. After trying to flush out his eyes in the bathroom twice and trying to calm him down for about an hour, he kept rubbing his eyes and making it worse! It came down to having to take him to the first aid station and have him held down by me and two EMTs while we poured normal saline over his eyes and rubbed it all away. Poor little guy didn't know what to do, but after an hour of crying and burning, I'm sure this felt so much better. Luckily, this did the trick, so after about 10 more minutes of calming him down, he PASSED OUT! lol And of course, he got about a half an hour in before the Mariner's scored the winning home run and everyone was on their feet cheering! I was just glad he got SOME sleep in after all that chaos, and at least the Mariner's won on Father's Day! What a great present!
Poor monkey
Here's to an eventful Father's Day! :)

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