Tuesday, August 14, 2012

My Dad's house and Cache's other 2nd Birthday Party (June 2012)

Ok, so I suppose we all know that I am no goot at  blogging while I am on vacation, and apparently I am even worse at doing it when I get home! There are just so many pictures, that it seems so daunting! But I am going to do my best to get some done before the baby decides to make it's appearance (which is in 26 days!) Also, I must apologize for any spelling errors ahead of time because on the trip, my computer screen cracked and now has these lovely black lines and blobs on the screen that I have to try to type around.
For the first part of our trip, we stayed at my dad's house while we were waiting for Jared to arrive from AT. I have to say that it probably took us about a week to adjust to the two hour time difference, but once we did, things got a lot better. Of course, it didn't help that Cache chose this particular time to cut some more teeth. It would just be my luck that he would wait two years to get the rest of his teeth, and then decide to cut about 7 all at once! Sheesh
It was a lot of fun for Cache to run around his backyard and mess around with the chickens. He wasn't as interested in them this time, unless it was from a distance, and we tried to have him hold some eggs, but he didn't find that very appealing either. He would just drop them as soon as he touched them. At least they are thicker and stronger than most eggs! lol He also really loved chasing around LInus and throwing his ball for him with the flingy thing (I can't remember what Kristi calls it). He got really good at calling his name, even if it did come out as "Dinus! (Linus)" most of the time.

Playing with his Buzz and Woody in the dryer!


Playing with grandpa's Legos before church

Throwing the ball for Linus with Grandpa

Cache's mini pool! Linus loved to try to get his ball out of the pool, Cache kept trying to keep it from him.

But it didn't work long!

Playing at SES's playground

Good Ol' Rattlesnake Lake and Rattlesnake Ridge. Cache loved throwing the plentiful rocks in the lake...could have done that forever...

At the park with Aunt Lily! And her crazy slide hair :)
 We also got to throw Cache a family birthday party in my dad's backyard. It was so nice to be able to share this with family, even though Jared couldn't be there. :( But he got a curious George cake that turned both his mouth and fingers blue! Classic! He got some awesome presents too. Too bad, I was so busy with the party to take too many pictures...
Birthday boy! And very pregnant Momma

Uncle Brandi was on Skype on that laptop. It was pretty awesome, actually. Technology rocks!
"Uckies!" In other words, clean my hands please!

Trip to Snoqualmie Falls! I think he was more interested in the rocks to climb on

Stretching out his back like Grandpa

Nakey boy!

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