Thursday, May 9, 2013

*Happy Dance!*

Why can't we all do more Happy Dances? If there is ever a lesson I have learned from my 2 (almost 3 year old) son is that the small things in life can be just as exciting as the big ones.

Lately, when he's happy, he does a little dance! I've started calling it his Happy Dance. His little hips swing and his legs kind of flail about. If you have seen him run, it's similar but just more of a dance :)

-Whenever he finds his bike while preparing for a walk, "My bike!!" *Happy Dance!*.
-Whever he gets a yummy snack, "chocolate!" *Happy Dance!*.
-Searching for his bear, "Where's 'Beau'? Where's 'Beau'? Oh! There he is!" *Happy Dance!* and hugs.

So the next time you get excited about something (let's hope that happens once in a while) remember to do your Happy Dance!! :)

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